Archive | November, 2013

Win a Print Copy of Tower of Obsidian/C4 Comic Con

5 Nov

I finally got the print version of Tower of Obsidian. To celebrate, I got a print giveaway of 5 copies. It’s open to residents of Canada, US, UK, and Australia. I’m not sure how much this’ll cost me, but eeeeh. I’ll pick up some overtime in November or December if I suffer that much.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Tower of Obsidian by L.T. Getty

Tower of Obsidian

by L.T. Getty

Giveaway ends December 05, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

While you’re at it, my sister threw together a 30-second trailer for the book. It was free, so I got what I paid for. (Ali if you’re reading this: I luv you).

So this last weekend marked my first time at C4 Comic Con as an artist rather than a wanderer – I also realized I hadn’t been to a comic con since 2008. In hindsight, 2009 saw me laid off and playing the waiting game for school, and for whatever reason, I always end up working those weekends. Keycon in particular always saw me working even though I’d requested the weekend off numerous times.

Anyway – we hardly sold any books even though the event saw 34,000 people on a single day. Not sure if the guys are ready to strangle me or not – it was my suggestion afterall – we did hand out quite a bit of promotional material, so it’s not all bad, but it’s a bit disappointing considering I was that person who bought books at shows like comic con. Maybe I am a special snowflake…

Oh well. I got to hang out with a couple of Manitoba authors and see the show, talk about my books a little bit, and for all I know I sold some ebooks. It wasn’t a literary event (C4 Lit Fest has officially moved to March 29 & 30 – don’t know who the guests of honor are). And I still like my graphic novels. Generally speaking, all I do is try to copy the composition when I sketch them, but I think they provide great source material for books. Then again, my influences were the pulp Burroughs and Robert Howard growing up. Still, I just enjoyed walking around and seeing the different interpretational styles of mainstream characters. Time went by fast, at least for me – and now I’m super behind on my NaNoWriMo – I’m Ciage, if anyone wants to userfriend me (expect little until the end when I have big days. I don’t know why, but I just do). I said I would finish a full novel by month end. Now that I have 25 days to do it, I suppose I should start.

I will note that it’s different when you’re admitting to your book in person. I was sitting with R.J. Hore at the table for the most part – his print titles are The Dark Lady, and The Queen’s Pawn – people kept thinking that he wrote Tower of Obsidian, and I wrote the ones with the ladies in the titles.

So I guess when I’m ranting about how far we’ve come and how Tamora Pierce fixed everything when I was a kid, I guess we still have a long way to go. I don’t mind that people are surprised to learn that my stuff is penned by a female, but I guess I’m expecting… what’s the word…

My mainstream published stuff is safe and I don’t think anything in Tower of Obsidian is particularly challenging. My stuff no one will touch should be the stuff making people’s brains implode. And the more I think about it, it’s the stuff that’ll sit on this computer forever because even if I do sell the other stuff well, I’m not sure how to market the odd stuff.

Marketing… who would have ever thought I’d have to think about that dirty word…