Archive | August, 2014

And the Winners are…

8 Aug

Amy Bowens and Mad Hoyendish each won a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate after the tour with Goddess Fish Book Promotions. Thank you to everyone – as always, thank you for your honesty and thank you for taking your time to check out my books. I’m working on more stuff as we speak (well, I just had to kick the dog off of me to write this…) and I’ll hopefully have an announcement by September.

When Words Collide is this weekend – it’s on the to-do for next year, provided I’m not scheduled to work, I’m happy where I am so I won’t have the excuse of no seniority/no vacation/going for a job interview next year. I know a bunch of local authors are going to be in attendance, in addition to my publisher, so if any of you are reading this and enjoying yourself in Calgary, enjoying the literature and schmoozing, think of me driving my little ambulance this weekend. As for me, I’m just stoked that I don’t have to work 60 hours this week. No on call for the most part, but all the same, wheee~

Rainy days here. That’s okay, because I have to get my chores and housework done sometime.