Archive | March, 2020

Dreams of Mariposa Tour Week 3 and Winners

23 Mar

Thank you to everyone who’s hosted and everyone who commented. Things have gotten busy on my end, and might be that way for some time. Stay positive, love each other, maybe check in on that person who might not be able to help themselves (while maintaining social distancing, ar ar).

Winners are :

Commenter: Liz Hide Digman

Host: Kit and Kabookle

Week Three Round Up:

Kit and Kabookle
Dawn’s Reading Nook
Long and Short Reviews
Books, Dreams, Life
Gimme the Scoop Reviews


Dreams of Mariposa Week 2 Round Up

18 Mar

We’re already half way into week three – if you missed any, here’s the blogs that hosted me last week.

Mythical Books

Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews

Michelle Meng Book Blog


Locks, Hooks and Books

A big thank you to everyone who’s hosted the review and anyone who’s been following along trying to win that GC. As said, just tell me what bookstore you want, although right now with everything that’s going on online purchasing makes a lot of sense, Ebooks a lot, but if you live in Canada, it’s nice to go to an actual bookstore like Chapters/Indigo or McNally Robinson. I get it.

I’ll probably do Week 3 Round up on the following Monday. In the meantime, be kind to each other.

Covid-19, 2020

18 Mar

Well, that escalated sharply in the past week locally.

Don’t get me wrong: We’ve all known about Corona Virus for a while. Healthcare worker here – we’ve been screening for those who have traveled internationally. I put off my travel until next month, because my niece and cousin were going on a band trip to Alberta and my aunt and I were planning a trip to Hawaii. Let’s say: That’s scrapped. I’m not a Trudeau fan, but let’s say I support closing up the border and getting our people home.

So basically we’re all being encouraged to socially isolate. Fun thing is, paramedic here is going to be going to business as usual as well as contaminated folk who don’t know they’re contagious. I just found out we had our first cases confirmed from people outside of Winnipeg.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell people to be kind, love each other, and take care of those most in need. If I were to reframe this as a writing/art getaway with no distractions, then I’d be all gung ho. I’ve got plenty of work to do and I keep thinking of new projects for myself.  The frustrating part is being told to stay home as opposed to helping at the moment, but I think things might get nuts on our end for the next little while.

If you’re abosolutely strapped for stuff to do and have no resources besides the internet, look up Project Gutenberg. They offer a ton of free old Ebooks within the public domain, and you can read them on your phone, computer, or tablet.

February Round Up

10 Mar

Gotta love that I do these well into a week into March.

So my goal was to get Rogue Healer 3 to 90k – long story short is that it’s nowhere near that but it’s not bad, but I honestly didn’t do much with it in February. It’s not that I have articles to write for the book promo, it’s that I’ve been busy with other creative projects. I seem to pick a ‘thing’ and stick with it. That basically means, water color, inking, and sigil. Not so much oils, but I bought a better paint thinner for inside so if I don’t pick up OC I may goof around with it tonight.

Sigil – am feeling confident in it! I think I’m going to redo the novel I’ve been working on in an established style sheet, but when I format different projects to make a makeshift anthology, they look consistent.

Water Colors – Talk about the hardest of the painting mediums to use. I’m definitely more an oils worker.

Inking – Well, this has never been my forte but the maps are looking consistently better.

We got three weeks left in March and I am using up the last of my stat days so I’ll have a little bit of extra time. Also, we haven’t heard about Cook’s Creek Medieval Fest and whether or not we can sell books, but I want to try my hand at costume making. Something fun, I promise.

End of the Month Ron, Larry, and I will be at the Mother of Dragons craft sale. Dreams of Mariposa will not be in print; if I really push I can have a self pubbed book but I doubt if I ordered it today I would have them in less than three weeks so I’m not going to stress. It takes place at the St. James Civic Center – where I learned to swim! – and is the last event before they majorly overhaul the place.

Week One of Dreams of Mariposa Online Book Tour Roundup

8 Mar

I’ll post another blog in a day or so concerning how I did in February (poorly… but!) So a few years ago I did a few different blog tours and begged reviewers independently to review Tower of Obsidian. I haven’t tried everyone, but I highly recommend Goddess Fish Book Promotions. I think they lean just a little bit towards the romance crowd, but they’re professional and deliver and are decently priced and I’ve had no qualms promoting my fantasy and paranormal horror. Week One is done, but we go for the next two weeks. I’ll do my best to do a roundup on Sundays, but I’m on weekends this month.


TourBanner_Dreams of Mariposa

Fabulous and Brunette

Christine Young Romance Writer

Independent Authors

Books to Light Your Fire

All The Ups and Downs

Viviana MacKade

Once again, a big thank you to all the blog hosts and everyone who has commented. Follow along, enter to win a gift card to an online bookstore (let’s be honest, whoever wins will probably pick Amazon, haha).