Archive | August, 2022

When it rains it pours

22 Aug

Doing another online book promo tour. I’m going to book another tour for another book, but I’m going to be busy. The tour starts a week from today and I just got the list of who needs what, so my apologies to the blog hosts you are a very high priority and your articles will be sent in a timely manner. Honestly a lot of these articles are fun so it’ll be a pleasure.

Vacation went by too quick and I could work every day if I wanna. I really don’t wanna and want work to hire people. They’re making excuses and whatever at this point. So far I haven’t been kayaking at all this summer, but the good news is kayaking can easily be done into the fall, I just need to get a trailer or a roof rack and figure it out.

Got the edits back for Magus’ Gambit, and I have the biggest first world problem ever. The sub-story was left me unsatisfied, but it’s a 135k novel and I didn’t have time to really do more with it. The editor’s right, but all of my ideas to fix it feel less cerebral and like I should have fixed it a while ago because it was sent to the publisher like two years ago. Don’t worry about the creative one over here; problem solving is my speciality and I’m already solving it without doing it, if that makes any sense.

Finally writing wise I’m at 65k for The Puppeteer Book, yes I know it needs another title but waaah. The original plan was to write 1k a day and have a roughish draft by September; which would work if it was still in that 75k range where I thought we were going, but this is feeling heavier so my honest guess is 90+ to even 100ish.

Plus I have a short story for an anthology that needs editing, other projects that need editing, and I need to hire an editor if I want to self-publish something next year; I’m having fun with this so I think it’s a good idea. I got the articles as priorities, and for the most part they’re light, but still good to know that I’m going to be busy for the next little while. But, if you missed us at Shelmerdine’s, we’ll be back next month and selling the books again at the Farmer’s Market, I think it’s September 17 but I’m not looking at a calendar. I won’t be sneaking off midsale to do anything online, and I actually have a full Saturday off, so I’ll be there.