Archive | July, 2014

I ain’t Dead

26 Jul

Fingers are all healed, another book tour successfully completed (I’ll announce the winners as soon as I hear back from the Tour Organizer – believe me, I wanna post it) and I’ve been working like mad for the past month. Here in Southern Manitoba, we’ve had substantial flooding effecting a lot of rural folks, so between the flood-standby, special events (there’s a rodeo/festival/reason not to work every weekend) and me wanting to run to the lake, been sort of busy. Hopefully camping tomorrow if it’s not raining – skies are blue but they’re calling for rain at the moment.

I am catching up on my reading though – although I technically failed my reading challenge of reading a black science-fiction/fantasy author every month and that totally didn’t happen in I think March, I think this is the best challenge ever because this is blowing every “Science Fiction isn’t literature” argument out of the water – granted, I’m going after highly acclaimed stuff/Butler should be mandatory reading in High School – but I already knew that years ago. The only genre I can think of that can handle social commentary better then science fiction in my opinion is humour.

In a nutshell – it’s the same sort of argument over and over again – mainstream versus literary, indie vs traditional vs small – you get good and bad in every genre. This little Afrofuturism jaunt (okay – with magic realism but whatever) even the books where I’m being a stickler on – they’ve set an extremely high bar, so if I come up with another challenge for myself next year, it’ll be hard to beat the titles I’ve read thus far. I could totally finish the year by reading the rest of the Noughts and Crosses books and everything else by Butler, but I’m going to branch out and try a few different authors. Still, I have 30+ books to read for my yearly goodreads challenge, so I guess I either read short books or start reviewing my old graphic novels when I want to take my time with the usual fantasy doorstoppers.
Not going to When Words Collide this year – wanted to, but I got stuck working/they sold out when I assumed I had the weekend off anyway – so now that I qualify for vacation next year, it’s on the To-Do list, although my sister has hinted she wants to go to San Diego Comic Con.

She’s never been to Winnipeg’s Comic Con – let’s just say that she enjoyed her trip to FanExpo a little too much… or maybe she wants to see it on a mass scale. As for me, I’m just wanting to go somewhere warm this winter because I’ve been putting in 60+ hours weeks in the past month.

Ah well – in terms of my own writing, I’ll admit I’ve been doing way more editing then freewriting. Considering how much stuff I’ve written to get this far, that’s probably a really good thing.