Archive | September, 2019

I moved! / When projects go awry

23 Sep

If you’ve been following along on Facebook, you’ll already know that I finally found a house and have moved to Elie, Mb. Not terribly far from the PMQ in Southport, as my job hasn’t changed. I’ve been house hunting for the last two years, and came close to building, because the area I wanted to live in didn’t have a ton of houses, and in any given year, not that many people were apt to move. Building would have been fun, but the least practical option, and I’m all about practicality now.

The pets are loving it and I’m not used to all this space. It’s nice because even though I need to put in an island or get a bigger table, I’ve been able to cook and prep much easier.

As for the writing front this summer: Let’s just say I haven’t been doing everything I should have been. Moving excuses aside, I’ve been picking up to facilitate not only moving costs, but car repairs (3 in three weeks sort of deal and another one looming) as well as I’ve been sneaking off in the shiny new kayak as much as possible.

So we’re in limbo again publication-wise. I’ve waited this long so whatever, my goal is always to bring my writing brought to the next level with editing. The good news, though, is that I learned how to use Sigil in the spring. I know – I said I was going to self publish a few years ago, and I chickened out. Honestly, I was worried about the quality of my writing not being ‘there’ but I’m not as self-conscious as I was. I have two other novels floating to relatives, but I have a cover made for Garnet and Silver. I’m not putting time lines on anything, as it’s going to be directly related to how much time I spend outside, AKA how nice the weather is. We have gross winters in Manitoba, so I want to get as much lake time as I possibly can.

Writing front: I am still working on 2018’s NANOWRIMO novel Chimera, which is both interesting and frustrating at the same time. Frustrating that it’s not done, and while November is still a good monthish away, I wanted this to be done and percolating in the ‘hard edits’ pile by now. I think my problem is that I have too many projects going on and I need to focus on one until it’s done. I’m getting ideas for another novel set in the same world, following a different cast.  I haven’t sent off the sequel to Witchslayer’s Scion, the plan was to send everything in first week of September because I doubted anyone wanted to look at it over July and August when it didn’t get finished during my July holidays, and my brain is wanting to write the ideas I have for book 3 (I’m not calling it a trilogy at this point – a series). Moving threw a wrench into everything. As to which one I’ll focus in on November (Chimera 2 or Rogue Healer 3) your guess is as good as mine. I’d like to pretend it would be like taking a break from one to work on the other, but my writing attention has been divided onto those two projects as well as another novella for 2019. The short answer would be to write something completely different, but we’ll see what happens. My goal is to finish Chimera this month, and if I ever get the other two novels back from family with their suggestions/imput.

In the meantime, I’m back to writing.