Archive | December, 2016

Another NaNoWriMo Fail – but we’re not done with 2016 Yet

7 Dec





Remember when I was kvetching about my inability to print anything for the conference? I ran into the local library to print, and it led to conspiring. If you happen to be in the Portage la Prairie area this Saturday, come down to the library for an afternoon of talking about books. Not only will you be able to talk to local authors and learn about the creative process, but you get food!

So excuses aside – when I got the contract for Witchslayer’s Scion, I spent the next bits of free time going over it to make it as good as I possibly could. The problem with the whole “make it as good as you can, then write the next book” is that even though I don’t feel like I’ve gotten much better over time, you do notice the small bits to nitpick over. Plus at over 130k, it took me a bit of time to not only read through it, but reacquaint myself with the rules of the universe. The perk though, is any glaring inconsistency, like a character’s motivation or whatever, was staring me in the face, so I could allude to an issue a little stronger.

But I did do some actual writing for nano – I wrote a short for an anthology I missed the deadline for. I like the story, but it’s not the way I want it to be, so I’ll probably go back to it. I’m almost almost done this YA Steampunk (pretty much just a battle scene – which is usually easy but for whatever reason, this one not so much) and then I got quite a bit done on a new project. Not as much as I’d like to be done, I think the focus needs to be getting this YA book done and dealt with. And, seeing how it’s day 2 of a blizzard (I switched the day because a coworker pleaded with me to go to Hockey on Saturday night – bwahahahaha) seems like an excellent day for tea and finishing. Because it certainly doesn’t make any sense for me to be shoveling snow, right now…