Archive | November, 2014

Winnipeg’s ComicCon, NaNoWriMo, and all the rest

6 Nov

Another C4 Comic Con has come and gone – and our table was in the artist’s alley on the second floor rather then the big main room on the third floor. Some people didn’t like it as much, but I like it better. Last year I felt like we were lost in the crowd – the upper floor was all the big dealers and stars and whatnot. You can buy a lot of that stuff elsewhere, you don’t get to see the artists creating.

In general, I was pretty tired because I was at Interact 2014 the weekend prior (MB’s Paramedic Convention) so between that and my 12ish hour workdays, let’s just say I’m a little behind and a wee bit tired.

Still, had a good time – had one of the nearby artists interpret the prologue to ToO – not sure where my phone is so I’ll post the sketch later. Picked up a fantasy coloring book by Kari-Ann Anderson – being around that much art is stimulating, and my roots are my dad’s old comics and his old Edgar Rice Burroughs paperbacks. I picked up the coloring book to practice my inking and do some digital coloring. I draw, but I find I always make my own stuff look so flat when I transfer it from pencil to inks.

In other news, NaNoWriMo is in full swing – I haven’t even started but like I said, I’m kind of tired and this is my first day off day off in almost two weeks, and I was all like “Yay I get to sleep in and clean my house!” and my dog was all like, “Hey, walkies. Remember those?” he’s nice and sleepy now, but good grief he treats sleeping in until 8:30 like I have been a neglectful owner and I deserve to have my elbow licked until I let him outside to play with the neighbour’s dog. So I’m planning on getting on it tomorrow (I work nights) and a 5 day handicap is okay by me.

The strange part about my perseverance over a year later is that people who were initially against me writing are slowly coming around. My parents are asking me what else I’ve written and a few people have asked what I’ve been up to – if I’m completely honest, I am writing and editing but very slowly. I think I’m overanalyzing what I’m doing. For reasons I won’t go into, especially in the last year I’ve had my back against the wall when I meet people, and I’m anxious about showing any of my work in progress. I know conventional wisdom is do your best, send it out, and stop thinking about it, but I can’t help it.

Ah well – back to cleaning. Or more tea. Whatever.